Tomorrow here on The Greater Quiet, I will be reviewing some work on the Greenland Grab by friends in Copenhagen.
Also my January 2025 Review video (oiy.).
For paid subs. If you would drop a dime on this project it will go a long way to keep it rolling.
Heavy air traffic ahead.
Hang on and stay loud.
The resistance is coming and will be big.
Thank you,
Thanks Niels Bo Bojesen.
Steve -- I like your work a lot, and I am very glad that you and Ann and all the others have begun what will have to be a forceful and protracted and I hope not bloody resistance. Watching from up here in Canada, I see what I have always expected and feared. If I ever can see a way to help, I will try to do it.
Which brings me to the point of this message, which is your requests for money. I wish I could comply. I am 77 yr old, and disabled, and my sole income is my monthly govt pension. Thank god I am Canadian, as that gets me free health care, and a few other benefits. But I hope that you know that I and probably many others are with you in spirit. Try not to measure your support and following solely by money.
We here in Canada may need to mount our own resistance in the near future, and I would even put my body on the line if there were a way. I expect all of the very worst possible eventualities. Trump is the first person I have ever had to consider a true enemy, and I am willing to call him evil. Him and many of his followers. Perhaps being an invisible limping old person may give me cover to do something useful. I have always thought that I would have joined the underground somewhere in WWII. Maybe I will be like the Tank Man in China. That's a glamourous ambition. Thank heaven I am old, so I won't be asked to sleep with any Nazis.
Well, I am being silly now, but see where my heart is. I will be following you, and sending you fervent hope, if nothing else. Thank you for pitching in so swiftly. I'm sure you will have a powerful effect.
If you want to know who I am, I am also a cartoonist. You can do a search for Neil the Horse, who is my best known character. If you are ever forming a squadron of cartoonists, let me know. Best of luck and of everything else --
-- Katherine Collins,
he (who shall not be named) is too stupid AND ignorant to understand the reference.