Steve -- I like your work a lot, and I am very glad that you and Ann and all the others have begun what will have to be a forceful and protracted and I hope not bloody resistance. Watching from up here in Canada, I see what I have always expected and feared. If I ever can see a way to help, I will try to do it.

Which brings me to the point of this message, which is your requests for money. I wish I could comply. I am 77 yr old, and disabled, and my sole income is my monthly govt pension. Thank god I am Canadian, as that gets me free health care, and a few other benefits. But I hope that you know that I and probably many others are with you in spirit. Try not to measure your support and following solely by money.

We here in Canada may need to mount our own resistance in the near future, and I would even put my body on the line if there were a way. I expect all of the very worst possible eventualities. Trump is the first person I have ever had to consider a true enemy, and I am willing to call him evil. Him and many of his followers. Perhaps being an invisible limping old person may give me cover to do something useful. I have always thought that I would have joined the underground somewhere in WWII. Maybe I will be like the Tank Man in China. That's a glamourous ambition. Thank heaven I am old, so I won't be asked to sleep with any Nazis.

Well, I am being silly now, but see where my heart is. I will be following you, and sending you fervent hope, if nothing else. Thank you for pitching in so swiftly. I'm sure you will have a powerful effect.

If you want to know who I am, I am also a cartoonist. You can do a search for Neil the Horse, who is my best known character. If you are ever forming a squadron of cartoonists, let me know. Best of luck and of everything else --

-- Katherine Collins,


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Thank you Katherine. This project of mine is mostly free. Occasionally on Sundays I will offer an extra post for my paid subscribers. But my pursuit of important news during the week will always be available to everyone. Thanks for subscribing. And thanks for being part of the resistance. I believe it will be very strong, and no stronger here than in Mexico and Canada, where it seems to be actually beginning.

In solidarity,


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If you start to charge subscribers in Canada and Mexico they will be charged an extra 25%, imposed by the, “very stable genius.”

Right? Heeeeheee.

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I think, Catherine, we must be related - age & disability. I too would like to be younger & able to do what I hope I’d done in WWII.

In the US, the late Judy Heumann was like the tank man in China about disability rights, stopping buses while in her wheelchair. I’ve demonstrated on my mobility scooter and am likely to do again.

Yes, Canada is at a difficult point. Friends, family and colleagues there all have angst. So far it’s still better than the US. Here it is viciously cruel.

To us - the senior resistance line!

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Joan, I have traveled to Canuckia on multiple occasions and have a very fine friend there. Unfortunately I have lived, vicariously, through him while he slowly dies from long haul Lyme disease. His weight is down to under 45 kilograms. Their medical care leaves a lot to be desired and is really the one major problem keeping me from moving there. Oh, and the extremely long cold assed winters.

The people are wonderful, thoughtful, pleasant, friendly and generous. I negotiated several billion dollar labor contracts. One area each union demands is a U.S. type health care system which allows their members to visit and receive care in the U.S.

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Thanks, Mr. D - I don’t really want to move for medical if nothing else bc the medical adventures there v here are as difficult to navigate. With Europe moving to the right, the devils we know may be overtaken in 2026 at least enough to hold off bills.

My good thoughts to your friend and you for him. Wasting away seems a terrifying life toward death.

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Joan, thank you and have an uneventful week.

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Chuckling. Thank you. Much will depend on new EOs.

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Joan, did you EVER imagine a President could be so cold, callus, and STUPID?

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he (who shall not be named) is too stupid AND ignorant to understand the reference.

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I'm in a similar situation as Katherine Collins and I agree with everything she said.

One thing I'd like to add is that social isolation is a common tactic used by abusers to control their victims. Abusers intentionally separate their partner (or in this case victims) from those people with whom they are closest or, in this case, with whom they have the closest ties.

So, is it any coincidence trump has picked fights with Canada, Mexico, Denmark, Greenland, Panama, and Taiwan?

We need the resistance before it's too late.

Thank you for all you do, Steve Brodner.

P.S. I drew my first cartoon. I took the traditional Tarot card #15 -- "The Devil." -- and stole one of Anne Telnaes' trump heads to put over Satan's. I added a long red tie, and made the supplicants chained to either side of him into Bezos and Soon-Shiong. It's so creepy I had to put it in my freezer, taking a page from the "Friends" episode in which Joey put his Stephen King novel in his freezer.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, 7/3/2024.

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We need to offer an alternative to the Trump-Obama voters.

Let’s feel their pain & start a third party: “the Hope & Change Party”!

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Bojesem’s take. Yes, the Great White Farce…

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And a Thule Whitehouse is sounding better and better….

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I look forward to seeing what the other cartoonists come up with.

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I appreciate your writing and cartoons. May I please have a free sub ? I’m 89y.o..

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Wish I had the $ too /S/ a 91 yr old disabled Korean War vet. Keep at it!

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What an image. I love it all that blue ocean and blue sky.

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Magnificent—there’s nothing better than laughing at this wanna-be Hitler (and quietly infuriating at the same time).

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The Danes would know.

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The iceberg cartoon caught my attention as prolific. Here is a blowhard in denial of global warming appearing to praise the drifting ice. He’s so full of hot air that he’s one of the reasons why we have the worst problems that we are experiencing!

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Or is he putting his hands and arms up as if to signal STOP!

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Hi Steve,

I've been trying to get here for the last few hours, but my Chrome browser had other ideas tonight and wiped out my tabs, my One Tab extension--and I can't really tell whether it was the culprit for wiping out my FB chat and who knows what else? I'm still searching!

Anyway, despite all of the tsuris above, I'm here shortly after posting the news about Canada's and Mexico's delightful retaliatory tariffs on the Golden Toilet. I'm *so* thrilled about this, so much so that I want to share the following from when I shared the news on my timeline:

"It seems the Golden Toilet is about to get a taste of his own medicine--but not to bully, just in what he knows best: Retaliation. (The White House butlers, get ready for the ketchup on the walls again! Then again, you could see if there's a way to get him to do it...just sayin'...but I don't suppose it will work, will it?)"

I'm writing as my computer shows the temps dropping lower and lower tonight. We're now at 5°F here in upstate New York. Like @Katherine Collins below, I too am on a tight budget and wish I could contribute--and *that* brings me to an idea which *might* allow those of us on tpinched pursestrings to contribute here and there: I wonder whether there's a line on the free or paid subscriptions that considers periodic donations as the spirit and our budgets allow. If not, maybe Substack might consider it. (I haven't started my own yet, but this little writing brain bug has started nudging me; obviously that means it's in my mind already too--lol--now that it's in yours, that is!)

As we enter the 5th day of Chinese New Year, I'll be the first to wish you and other of readers Gung Hay Fat Choy--Happy New Year of the Snake, everyone!

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