The trail to porno video reminds me of the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings.

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More than porn is the hate he spews. I do not understand the amount of hate spoken by MAGAts. It has virtually shut down Springfield, Ohio, and put too many people in great fear. Robinson must be defeated along with every single MAGA candidate. Alas, some are running unopposed. If any of your readers are in GA-11, see the info about the former (but on ballot) candidate who was declared by the GA Dem Party to have lied about everything - name, background, Party, etc. There is a great write-in candidate - TRACEY VERHOEVEN - that needs your support, financial and votes. Shameless plug bec a colleague in GA helped this to happen.

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So much for reason. This is there age of something else.

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Wow, you've outdone yourself! Perfecto!!!

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...nice one this N.C. resident writes.

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Trump: the mouthpiece for whatever hatred you want to unleash..

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