Oh the emotions felt as I kvelled at this great honor for you/your making reality visible and understood just as Herb Block did. How wonderful to hear and see this of you delivering a movingly illustrated guide to what we’ve faced and face. (Why are you and others not on the conference speakers’ circuit? I’ve only experienced Keith Knight in person at the Library of Congress doing a great talk using his art to illustrate. Far more impactful than just words tho I know too for those who are blind the illustrations are either inadequately described or not at all.)

The critical work you, The Nation Magazine & others are doing being seen and read is how we will defeat the likes of all those evil bastards before rolled into the MAGA Party.

I “love you madly”, Steve Brodner, and like you, am grateful for this community and your inspiration to act.

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Thank you dear Joan. So grateful. Stay brave and loud!!!

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Thank you. On that you have my promise.

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I really appreciate this talk and your work.

You reminded me that when I was growing up in Brooklyn we also got the then wonderful NY Post. I would first open it to the back, read the Nancy comic strip then go to the editorial center and look at Herblock.

Now on substack, when there’s a new post by Steve Brodner, it’s the first one I go to.

Congratulations on the award.

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Congrats Steve! Well deserved, great speech ! Keep up the great work !

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Bravo! Fabulous speech and congratulations again for this award which is so well deserved. Keep creating your brilliant illustrations.

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