PT Barnum would be astonished at the heights so many hucksters have achieved.

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Yes Peter! I Barnum commented, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people"! (apparently, you can't lose an election that way either:)

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Boy, that article was an “Oy!” moment.

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First pebble in an Oy-valanche!

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Oy-valanche 😎

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This is even better more than a week later.

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Dear Steve, I don't enjoy Schadenfreude and neither should you. The woman has a total disconnect from reality. She will become acquainted with it soon enough.

And she will blame the Democrats. Enough. Write about intelligent people.

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Not schadenfreude to me. We must discuss the damage this election will bring to the poor, vulnerable populations in this country. How they vote is a vital part of this story. This will be a big focus for me going forward. If the people of Third World Pennsylvania never read Project 2025 they will soon be in the mini series. As will we all.

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I don't perceive this work as Schadenfreude. I see it as calling attention to how misinformed the most vulnerable among us are, constantly lured into voting against their own interests. It highlights a problem rather than ridiculing the victims of the scam.

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Schadenfreude is ‘delight in the suffering or failure of others, or of someone else, in particular.’ We take no delight in the suffering of people who voted for the bronze buffoon. We are all looking for a way to survive in an increasingly difficult condition. The oligarchs are sucking up all the wealth, resources, and oxygen, leaving us all gasping and grasping for a lifeline. Some of us think that enabling an authoritarian or oligarch, or subjugating oneself to them, will cause them to treat us kindly. Most of us know that never happens. For those of us who don’t use this yet, we have compassion.

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Because they're so misinformed by what news media they consume (if any), they believe that Democrats only stand up for out groups that repel them. They're casualties of a carefully staged Culture War masterfully prosecuted by the Right. To reconnect with their traditional constituencies, Dems need to focus on bread-and-butter issues like a laser: jobs, the economy, health care, housing...while not handing the Right easily exploitable culture issues.

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Can we ever dig our way out of this pile of ignorance? I hope the future world doesn’t belong to those with the most money. I don’t want to live in a world created by Musk and Bezos. Which way out?

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A coalition of people who engage with reality. And not stop telling the truth. And being loud. It matters.

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AND we must work on school board elections. Children are being indoctrinated with ignorance by banning of books and teaching about reality. In a post in our building of 160 units to mine giving away a beautiful children's book (I ordered 1 too many) - "Justice Is ..." by Preet Bharara, a neighbor I only know from our building list said this: "A slanted myopic book from a NY district attorney born in India, a very grooming centric Democrat using USA tax dollar paid programs for his own gain and now a lifetime of tax payer for LIFE career path.

For honest fact based respectful learning - get

The Tuttle Twins books for all! Children centric audience but most adults, open to honest productive learning for all not decisive and public drain promotion"

I looked up the Tuttle Twins and was horrified tho' not surprised by who endorsed and the subjects. One endorsement says "“I think my kids now understand more about how the free market works than most of Congress… these books need to be read by everyone, ASAP!”."

YES, I want young children to know about the free market and Dick and Jane - which is what the twins look like.

We need to monitor school board elections and run if possible. It begins young.

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Some of you might remember the "Get your government hands off my Medicare" signs during the Tea Party era. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_VgJQTp0Bsf0/TVXBReGFVHI/AAAAAAAAAN8/wa5aa7IFgWc/s-MEDICARE-large%20%281%29.jpg

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I wonder what the education level of these people who live on government benefits and voted for Trump. He has said that he lives the poorly educated. The GOP has been hard at it making sure we have more poorly educated people. The GOP has focused on school board elections for decades. They are reaping the benefits.

Luckily for those who care, In this age there are media alternatives to schools for getting educated. But this same media is full of mind(less) candy that will keep people amused instead of learning. I’ve heard that there is a limited amount our minds can hold. If I know tons of sports and entertainment facts, I am likely not going to have much mental space left for history, literacy, science, and will anyone ever explain to me why I need to know critical thinking? Seems like such a waste of time.

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A long-standing MO for dictators has been, "Keep them ignorant and keep them poor"!

We thought the internet prevented ignorance through lack of access to the truth, but with social media gone amuck, AI spreading the muck with a turbo fertilizer, the under-informed group is becoming uneducated!!

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Ignorance is no excuse

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