Yes. But the link I have is to a guy in the Parks Dept. Do you have anything else?

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Thanks Steve for sharing these encouraging developments. have you heard about this “warning letter “and the call for VP Harris to withdraw her concession to Yrump and demand recounts in all swing states because of some shady election results?

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Thank you Steve and Robin for sharing this encouraging news. I just wanted to add my hopes that this army of Democrats, lawyers and representatives will embolden and defend our rights as the 'takeover' invades. We cannot just roll over and let these Naziesque poseurs have their way with us. Their way is not the American way.

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Yes. In Indiana that I learned of on 11/15. This post from a comment to your Substack, Steve. Sent on to colleague who brought it up on a call:

“...this was posted on Steve Brodner's Substack, The Greater Quiet, where he has a HUGE list of all we can do/follow/etc. I posted that I was sending on to a colleague in IN who had told us this just yesterday.”

>>Deborah Asberry

In Good Company Consulting

I live in Indiana, a MAGA rigged state. I co-launched a Substack to educate Hoosiers about the extremism that has a stronghold in our state. Our focus is shifting to supporting the grassroots resistance movement locally and nationally. Please consider subscribing to Hoosiers for Democracy https://hoosiersfordemocracy.substack.com<<

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I am so heartened to read your posts and Comments. Thank you.

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Call your Congress representative and tell them to vote NO on HR-9495- Stop Terror Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act. No telling what nonprofit group Elon could label as a terrorist group and pull their funding on a whim.

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Less than .02 of our population is over 85, among the last who have living memory of WW2 and the horror of Hitler's and Mussolini's rule. Today's group of flag carrying fascists are poseurs who, while dangerous on their own, are not cut from the same black and brown cloth.

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