
Infanticide for the poor. No healthcare, education, opportunity.

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Wow!! Can I use that!!!???

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Abortion (forced birth) is a men’s issue as well and a societal one. We ought not want children brought into this world that are not wanted or would have parents who are unable to raise them with everything necessary. As a father of daughters and a son, I see this as my issue as well.

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So awful that people have to go public and talk about painful, personal medical issues in order for us to have BASIC care. Lifesaving care. Not just taking us back to the 1950's but the 1800's. What is in these judge's hearts?!

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Today Heather Cox Richardson gave a very insightful history of this obsolete law.

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And GOP candidates in AZ who were once in favor of this now believe it's not ok that the State Supremes decided v. the voters. Do they think that the voters will vote for a restrictive abortion law? THIS is what happens and what we who have worked in reproductive rights for years knew would happen. I hope it keeps meetings and conventions and even tourists from AZ - if one is pregnant while there and may have an emergency, there is no help to be given. Thanks, Steve Brodner, for this beautifully and painfully drawn and told.

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Who raised this corpse and for what reason? Do individual rights, let alone women's rights, have any meaning to these people?

Brainwashed would be appropriate if brains were actually involved

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Long live Eva Burch! Now, I’d like to see the names and faces of all those evil anti-abortion ‘lawmakers’ who are not regularly in the public eye (yet abuse their authority to make the lives of women intolerable) to be pasted on a dartboard.

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Grab ‘em by the ballot!

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Outrageous! Inhuman! Eva Burch for senate!!

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