Cut their cable. And hurry. In fact, repo their teevee.

Gonzo Barbarity, indeed.

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I think it's a media problem. They feed they lion.

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Ironically, because we are outraged by the lies and hypocrisy we repeat them and that gives them more juice. It doesn’t matter the context in which the lie is said, it’s the lie that lives on. After I read over and over about how many congress people believe the election is stolen, I start to think they might be right. We defeat ourselves.

When I read over and over that God created Trump i begin to question being an atheist (not).

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From what I read, the people who attended the caucuses were not representative of the majority of republicans in Iowa...even if they don't tell the truth, we should.

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Sad but true. The heartland has a broken heart.

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Very scary

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The kind of stupidity and intransigence you manage to evoke in so few lines is absolutely amazing. You are doing great work for this needy moment in our lives.

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You got it right. People don’t understand what is so great about democracy that it needs to be protected and no one is explaining it. We just keep saying “save democracy “ but not why. Look at it realistically, democracy got us Trump. It got us a SCOTUS we don’t trust, a congress that does nothing. It might get us a fascist for president. Why is it worth saving? Explain it to me like I didn’t get any civics or honest history in school, which has been the case. And it will be worse when today’s cohort is old enough to vote. While we’re at it, I didn’t get and media literacy education while media has become the biggest thing there is.

We all now the important question is will the Bills beat the Chiefs.

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Stunning, Steve. Once again, you've captured the moment.

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